

09:00 - 13:30, 11 May 2019

We are delighted to invite you to the Macmillan Teachers’ Day in Barcelona that will take place at the Universidad de Barcelona on Saturday, 11th May.

At this event, you will have the opportunity to attend innovative and practical talks that will provide you with relevant ideas, activities and solutions that you will be able to put to immediate use in your classes. Plus, we have the pleasure to announce a special guest who will inspire you with his unique vision.

Moreover, you will be able to meet and interact with our authors at the book stands during the break. You can also take a look at the range of new Macmillan courses that are available for 2019.

Looking forward to seeing you there!



Plenary/Séance Plénière

Juanjo Fernández

Ser Educador és el Millor!

Una estona per fer una ullada al que representa educar infants i joves en escoles innovadores i l.lusionades. Una estona per recordar, ajudar-nos, emocionar-nos, reflexionar i motivar-nos junts! Perquè ser educador és el millor, i els que van a una jornada de formació… són la sensació!



Yvonne Dalorto

Responding to emerging learning styles

As a teacher, you may recognise that there may be children in your classes with emerging alternative learning styles and the session will explore how to adapt, plan and implement changes to your existing classroom materials to provide a multi-sensory teaching environment. Join the session to see practical, tactile and visual examples that can support the children in your class and your teaching.


Primary (3 to 6)

Mark Ormerod

Children Writing collaboratively with a Sense of Purpose

It’s rare for our 8- to 12-year-olds to be enthusiastic about writing in English. They often think it’s boring and ask why they have to do it. Could it be that they don’t see the purpose of the tasks we set? In this session, I’ll share a range of engaging strategies, techniques and activities that have given my own pupils a highly motivating sense of purpose when writing. Examples of my pupils’ work will be displayed throughout the session.


ESO & Bachillerato

Schuyler Hedstrom

Who’s in charge here?

As classroom sizes grow and teachers are asked to be disciplinarians as well as teachers, too much of our energy is spent on solving behavioral problems. In this hands-on session, we will look at the most common discipline issues teachers face and discuss multiple strategies to deal with them. From peer policing to praise versus punish, participants will come away feeling like they can take back control of the classroom.


Français Secondaire

Virginie Karniewicz

Agir en français : des alternatives numériques ?

Est-il possible de faire coïncider deux mondes ? Celui des adolescents ayant les yeux rivés sur leurs dispositifs numériques avec celui de la classe où nous, enseignant(e)s, cherchons à ce que nos élèves agissent en français en leur proposant sans cesse des projets et défis. L’utilisation des nouvelles technologies, par exemple des smartphones, peut être une des clés pour trouver des terrains d’entente entre les centres d’intérêts des adolescents et nos objectifs pédagogiques. Dans cet atelier nous réfléchirons à l’importance des tâches dans l’apprentissage selon la perspective actionnelle et nous découvrirons ensemble différents chemins à suivre pour qu’une même tâche soit réalisée en support traditionnel et/ou numérique.



Workshop Speakers

Plenary Speaker/Conférencier
Juanjo Fernández Llicenciat en Filosofia i Lletres, professor de matèries molt diverses durant 18 anys a Jesuïtes-Clot (Barcelona). Autor de “Com ajudar els fills a estudiar (i fer els deures del col.le!)” i “30 manaments per tractar amb adolescents”. Col.laborador al suplement Ara Criatures del diari ARA, i als programes Popap de Catalunya Ràdio i Revolució 4.0 de TV3. Consultor pedagògic i conferenciant sobre temes educatius i motivacionals ben diversos per a famílies, escoles i empreses. (www.juanjofernandez.com)

Yvonne Dalorto is a British trained teacher and headteacher, having worked in international and British schools in Spain. She is the author of Captain Jack and Dex Macmillan Early Learning Path (MELP) and a teacher trainer. Yvonne specialises in synthetic phonics and literacy development in Early Years and Primary education.

Schuyler Hedstrom has worked as an actor, director and educator, and has taught theatre to more than 2,000 children. He currently co-runs Acting Impact Theatre Company, and has taught English through Theatre for 15 years in Madrid. He also works as a teacher trainer for Macmillan Education.

Mark Ormerod is an EFL teacher specialising in primary education. He is interested in using drama and mini dialogues to develop children’s confidence and language skills. Mark was Head of Macmillan’s Teacher Training Department from 2001 to 2005. He has subsequently gone on to write teaching resources for Macmillan. He is co-author of the Primary course books Find Out! (with Donna Shaw), Tiger (with Carol Read) and most recently Heroes (with Emma Mohamed). He has also written several of Macmillan’s Children’s Readers, as well as the holiday workbook series, Holiday World.

Virginie Karniewicz Après 7 ans d’expérience en tant que professeur de Français Langue Étrangère en Italie, en Nouvelle-Zélande et au Mexique, Virginie Karniewicz travaille maintenant comme éditrice et formatrice pour les Éditions Maison des Langues. Elle a enseigné à tous les publics mais plus particulièrement aux enfants. Fan de l’apprentissage par le jeu, elle a animé plusieurs formations à ce sujet et été co-auteure du Complément ludique de Zoom. Elle a également écrit les fiches jeux de À plus 3 et les épreuves DELF de Zoom Pas à pas 1 et 4 et de Entre nous 3.




09 May
MUELLE 21 - Av. Santiago Montoto, s/n - 41012 Sevilla