Commitment to the SDGs

Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, outlines a shared agenda for global sustainable development. The aim is to achieve this agenda by 2030 through the completion of 169 specific actions. In order to achieve this goal, companies, governments and academic researchers are working together to find solutions to the most urgent challenges that the world is facing.

At Macmillan Education, as at Springer Nature, we refer to the SDGs as a reference to inform the decisions we take and the possible the social and environmental impact these decisions will have. We consider there to be three main SDGs through which we can have a real impact through our core publishing business and charitable actions: SDGs 4, 13 and 17.

We have identified the following three SDGs as being the areas in which we feel we can have the greatest impact, both through our core business and through social outreach: ODS 4, 13 and 17.

With a view to raising awareness of the importance SDGs and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we run internal training sessions in Macmillan Education Iberia.

Additionally, we are developing an outreach project – SDG Observatory – that will offer open access to in-depth information on the Sustainable Development Goals. We aim to launch this project in 2021.

More information on the Sustainable Development Goals can be found on the United Nations’ official website.